
conducts investigative work for a variety of clients. We help you gather vital information for your unique case and offer a detailed report of our findings.
Life membership to the Texas Association of Licensed Investigators
Charter Patron of The Texas Ranger Association Foundation
Life Member of Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
Association of Christian Investigators
American Quarter Horse Association
Active Member Houston’s Second Baptist Church
Current Position
In 2015, Patti was appointed by
Governor Greg Abbot as the Chairman of the Private Security Board (PSB) with a term of seven years. She faithfully served five years of her term until DPS went under Sunset Review and the PSB was disbanded. Patti was then appointed by the Texas Public Safety Commission to serve as Chairman of the Texas Private Security Advisory Council. She continues to serve the State of Texas and the PI industry in her Council position while conducting hands on operations, and overseeing PJI agents in all aspects of Patti James Investigations.
Get in Touch
For any questions or concerns, reach out to our team today. We look forward to working with you.